I wonder what happened to Openflow’s promise. After lumen shutdown, I felt this whole sdn white box switch momentum has gone down. Industry went to next shiny object and k8s made the virtual networking openflow agnostic

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OpenFlow itself did not gain much traction after the initial hype. I remember all the noise around it in the context of OpenStack, and that was around 8 years ago. Dutt's book has some good points, and some insider perspective, on why it did not meet its stated goals.

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Yup 🤣 . I was one of those early birds who did ONF certified SDN associate exam based on openflow 1.5 . Good old memories eh !

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Oh yes. There was so much craze around ONF and related efforts back then.

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The Source link under "A Simple Two-Host Network Topology" should point to https://github.com/talonx/mininet-demo/blob/main/basic_topology.py .

My apologies.

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